Design, maintenance and update by:
Grigore HERMAN

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Submission Guidelines and Instructions for Authors Statemen
A. Submission guideline
!!! Before submitting a manuscript, please check if your manuscript respects all criteria in the following Instructions to authors!
Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if they do not comply with the Instructions to authors or are beyond the aim and scope of the journal.
Manuscripts submitted to more than one editor in the same time (double processing) will be rejected automatically.
All manuscripts must be accompanied by the Agreement Letter with Copyright transfer. This form must be completed and signed by all the authors before processing of the manuscript can begin. Please read it carefully!
Agreement Letter with Copyright transfer: click here to download
Manuscripts without the sample Agreement Letter (signed by all of the authors) are rejected automatically.
Submission declaration of authenticity and verification
In the moment of submission of an article, the author will also send the Agreement Letter with Copyright transfer.
In the moment of on-line submission of an article to the editorial board, the author will receive a submission confirmation (not acceptance for publication) with a registration number.
The submission to the editorial office of a material to be published implies that:
To verify originality, your article may be checked by the originality detection service plagiarism.
Language (usage and editing services)
Please write your text in good English.
Formally accepted manuscripts (Step D) will be send to English language editors to verify the spelling. Only spelling checked (final acceptance date) manuscripts are proofed.
By publishing a scientific paper in GeoSport for Society, the author/authors accept the open access of the public to its content, free of charge, by respecting the effectual laws in this case. Each author will fulfill the attached form referring to copyright (Copyright transfer is included in Agreement Letter) which will be sent to theeditorial office when submitting the manuscript.
The author(s) also agrees for and accepts responsibility for submitting original contributions on behalf of all co-authors. The author(s) may publish the contribution on his/her personal web page or any other web page, by creating a providing a link to the mentioned volume & issue of Geosport for Society.
Proof and reprint
Proof will be sent to the first (or corresponding) author only once and it should be returned without delay. Corrections should be limited to typographical errors. The proof corrections must be suggested using the review option (text editing, check box etc.) in a *pdf file editor software (like Adobe Acrobat or CutePDF Prof.). We doesn't accept the corrections by resending the original *doc file.
Following publication, the first (or corresponding) author will be provided a free *pdf copy of the article.
B. Instructions for Authors
We suggest the structure of the manuscript (optional):
1. Title page (title, authors full name, authors affiliation, corresponding author);
2. Abstract page (abstract, keywords);
3. The main text of the manuscript (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Result, Discussion, Conclusions);
4. References;
5. Table and figure captions following the tables and figures.
The language of the manuscript is English.
Please find the required format of the page bellow (also, please find enclosed a standard model).
The text of article must be written using the Cambria, 11 points, justify; one column; The TAB is at 1 cm from the left edge.
1. Paper Characteristics
Paper size: A4
Margins: Top: 2.5 cm, Bottom: 2.5 cm, Inside: 2.5 cm, Outside: 2.5 cm, Gutter: 0 cm; Orientation: Portrait;
Layout: Section start: new page. Headers and Footers: Different odd and even – yes; Different first page – yes. From edge: Header 2.1cm, Footer 1.5 cm; Page: Vertical alignment: top; Preview: Apply to: whole document.
The Headers: for the article will be introduced by Editor;
2. The Title
Provide a title that is concise but also an informative synthesis of the study.
Before the title there must be 4 empty rows, each of 8 points high. The font style used by the GeoSport for Society is Cambria.
The title must be centered and written in normal letters (lowercase), font Cambria, 14 points, bold; After the title there must be two empty rows, 8 points each.
3. The name of the author(s) and the address of the author(s)
For all types of papers must contain the following: full name(s) of the author(s); address of the iinstitution where the work was done and e-mail address. Will be indicating with superscript star (*)who is/are the corresponding author(s).
The authors' names must be written align center; The first name of the author(s) written with normal letters (Alexandru), and the name of the author(s) written with capital letters (POPA), Cambria, 12 points, normal; The authors will be in order on the same line; Every author will be indicated in order with number superscript (1, 2,..n). The corresponding author will be mention with star superscript after number (1,*).
Between authors and addresses will be one row empty, 12 points.
The address of the authors, in order with number (1, 2..n), with 8 points, each address with one row, will contain: the name of the institutions, the address of the institution(s) and a personal e-mail (e.g.: University of Oradea, Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport, Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning, 1 Universităţii Street, 410087, Oradea, Bihor, Romania, e-mail: vgrigorescu;
After the address of the author(s) indicated with number (1, 2, 3..n) with star (*) is corresponding author, 8 points, italic.
4. Article history: for the article will be introduced by Editor;
5. The Abstract
The abstract must contain a brief description of the aim of the article, methods of work and results.
It must begin with the word “Abstract” (bold).
The abstract, written in English, contains between 50 and 300 words (if is possible one paragraph) and must be written in Cambria, 9 points, justify.
6. The Keywords
The keywords should be written in English; The list of keywords must contain between 5 and 10 words and must be written in Cambria, 9 points, justify; It must begin with the word “Keywords” (bold).
After the list there must appear one empty row, 11 points.
7. The titles, subtitles and sub-subtitles
The titles inside the article must be written with normal letters, Cambria, 11 points.
Between title and text will be 1.5 spacing line.
The subtitles inside the article must be written with normal letters, Cambria, 11 points, Italic.
Between title and text will be 1.5 spacing line.
8. The figures (maps, images)
The figures must appear on the page where are the references about them (figure 1).
The figures must be numbered with Arabian numbers.
The figure's explanations must be written with Cambria, 9 points (e.g.: “Figure 1. The map of the…”), which have to appear under the figure.
The source of the figures must be written with Cambria, 8 points, under the explanations.
All the figures must be black and white and there can be used pictures with a very good contrast (if possible no more 4 shades), (for on-line publication the figures can be color).
The figures will be sent as separate files and will be saved as JPEG , TIFF or Bitmap Images, with the resolution minimum 300 dpi.
The outside of the figure must be simple line, 1 ½; The charts should be sent also in the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 version.
All figures must be numbered consecutively and given at the end of the manuscript.
All illustrations, including charts, photosand illustrations must be labeled as Figures.
Color Figures: The editor in chief reserve the right to decide what figures are justified and can be published in RGB color (another figures will be removed or published in black and white). Only the online version of the journal will have all color pages.
9. The tables
The tables must appear on the page where are the references about them (table 1).
The tables are included in the text and the datum from the table must be written in Cambria 9 points.
The tables are numbered with Arabian numbers (e.g.: “Table 3”) which have to appear before the table.
The data sources of the tables must be written with Cambria, 8 points, under the explanations; For the header of the tables, the shading color will be gray 35 %; The outside line of the tables must be simple line, 1 ½; The inside line of the tables must be simple line, ½; between the header and table itself must be double line ½.
All tables must be numbered consecutively and given at the end of the manuscript.
Landscape Tables must be sent in separate Ms Word (*doc) file.
10. The footnotes
The footnotes are numbered with Arabian numbers, starting from 1; The text of the footnote must be written in Cambria 8 points, hanging 1,5 cm; We do not allow the endnotes in the GeoSport for Society.
11. The newspaper sources
If referring to newspaper sources in the text, you should cite the name and date. After authors, complete title and data will be indicating to the references.
12. The abbreviations
The abbreviations should be explained when they first appear in the text to footnote.
13. The mathematics relations
The mathematics relations must appear centered on the page, Cambria, 9 points.
They must be numbered with Arabian numbers (for example “3”).
Before and after the formula there must be an empty row, 10 points.
14. The citations and the references
Literature citations, tables and figures references should not appear in the abstract.
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list and vice versa.
Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either (Unpublished results) or (Personal communication). Names of persons who provided unpublished information should be cited as follows: “(POPA, Oradea, pers. comm. 2005)”.
Citation of a reference as (in press) implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
The format of the citations should follow the common rules: (Last name author, year, page(s)); (Popa, 2009, 34).
The format of the reference should follow the common rules: (Last name author, year); (Popa, 2009).
If are two authors, you can also use: (Last name author 1 and Last name author 2, year), (Popa and Black, 2009); (Popa and Black, 2009, 45).
If there are more than two authors, you can also use et al (last name Author 1 et al., year); (White et al., 2009); (White et al., 2009, 45).
If you are listing several works published by the same author in the same year, they should be differentiated by adding a lower case letter after the year for each item (Grigorescu, 2010a, b).
If listed in same reference, individual works as success should be separate by a comma-point in chronologic order (e.g.: Grigorescu, 2003; Brâncuşi, 2010).
If citing an except form a non-serial publication, you should also add the number of page from which the citation is taken after the year.
If referring to newspaper sources in the text, you should cite the name of the newspaper, date of publications and page: (title, data, page); (Oradea Times, 2014.11.24, 13).
15. The acknowledgment
his should be placed before bibliographical references, and must be written in third person (e.g.: The author(s) wished to thank … for his helpful comments an earlier drafts of this paper); If the article presents results from research projects, the acknowledgment will be: This contribution presents some results from research projects …. The authors acknowledge to anonymous reviewer for their thoughtful suggestions and comments; The acknowledgment may be submitted as a separate document that will not be send for review, but will be included in the publication schedule for accepted papers.
16. The References
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list and vice versa.
The references must appear at the end of the article.
Before the references there must be two empty rows, each of 8 points high.
The word “References” must be centered and written in capital letters, Cambria, 11 points, bold.
The titles of the quoted works must appear at one row distance, justify, in Cambria, 10 points, hanging 1 cm.
In the case of the article
- Buhaș, S. D., Herman, G. V., ... & Ștef, M. (2018). Aspects regarding speed development in football game in 12 - 14 years old children. Geosport for Society, 8(1), 21-29.
In the case of the paper
- Herman, G. V. (2009). Omul şi modificările antropice din Câmpia Someşului [The man and anthropogenic changes in Somes Plain], Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 227 p., Oradea.
In the case of the newspaper sources
- Oradea Times (2010). Travel architecture , 11.3.2010, 13.On the copy that is to be sent to the Committee of the redaction board, the numbering of the pages will be made with a pencil, outside the text zone. In the doc folder the pages will not be numbered. For additional information regarding article publications contact the editorial board.
In the case of On-line publications
- (accessed at: 2014.02.30) 17. (Optional) We suggest the structure of the manuscript
1.Title page. For all types of papers, the title page must contain and only contain the following: title of paper (bold); full name(s) of the author(s); address of the institution where the work was done and e-mail, and the name and address of the corresponding author with an email address. Provide a title that is concise but also an informative synthesis of the study.
2. Abstract page (abstract, keywords); The Abstract of maximum 300 words should summarize the essential results and conclusions. The introduction has to be a concise description of the background, rationale, aims and specific objectives of the paper.
3. The main text of the manuscript (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Result, Discussion, Conclusions).
Materials and methods have to provide sufficient information to permit repetition of the experiment and/or fieldwork. The technical description of study methods should be given only if such methods are new; otherwise a short presentation is enough.
The Results section must be a concise presentation of the finding of the study. Avoid the presentation of same information as text and/or figure and/or table.
Discussion section should be separate from the results section at full-length papers and should deal with the significance of the results and their relationship to the aims of the paper. Also include how the findings of the paper will change, influence the state of our knowledge about model organism.
4. References
5. Table and figure captions following the tables and figures
Changes at the level of title, affiliation, authors, references
This type of changes is possible only in the case of manuscripts accepted or published in the on-line version. The changes can be made until the date of publishing the printed version. If the problem is not solved until the printed version is published, the editorial board reserves its right to suspend the article in cause from the content of the respective volume/issue of the publication, including the on-line version as well. If later on, the solution of author/authors’ request is accepted and fulfills the requirements of the publication, the manuscript will be published in the following issue in both versions.
Accepted changes:
- adding or eliminating an author (authors);
- change/correction of authors’ affiliation;
- change/adjustment of title without affecting the meaning and content of the material;
- addition or elimination from the reviewers list.
The request is sent to the editorial office address, to the managing secretary ant it must include: motivation for addition/change/elimination from material and the written agreement (with signature) of all authors (including those added or eliminated).
ISSN 2393-1353
e-ISSN 2393-1353