Design, maintenance and update by:
Grigore HERMAN

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
GeoSport for Society is a scientific publication, with an international status founded in 2014. The journal appears at the initiative of an international group of specialists, based on an editorial and scientific committee with a wide international coverage, including leading figures in these fields. The first volume is published in 2014 in English under the aegis of University of Oradea (Romania), University of Debrecen (Hungary) and University of Gdansk (Poland).
The journal is edited by Oradea University Press.
The content of the publication is intended for a heterogeneous community made up of teaching staff, researchers, practitioners and students showing interest in these fields, who can contribute substantially to the understanding, promotion and development of places, regions and the territory in its whole.
The journal meets the international requirements concerning the publication norms and ethics.
The journal publishes bi-annual issues (July and December) in one volume.
The journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles, review articles, commentaries, literature reviews, notes and news.
No publication fee.
The journal doesn’t have article submission and processing charges (APCs).
The on-line version of the journal can be viewed and downloaded free of charge.
License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
All articles published in Geosport for Society are available for free, without APC for authors and without additional costs for the readers. The journal does not include access restrictions or content embargoes. Publications in Geosport for Society are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, allowing use, distribution and reproduction of the content, if the the original source is provided and properly attributed. The authors retain the copyright of their works and give their consent for their publication in the Open Access regime. All articles are accessible immediately after publication, with no restriction or embargo periods.
Editor in Chief: Alexandru ILIEȘ and Gabor KOZMA
Contact address:
GeoSport for Society
University of Oradea, Romania
Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport
1 Universităţii Street, 410087 Oradea, Romania
web site:
ISSN 2393-1353
e-ISSN 2393-1353